EntryRenderer is typically retrieved from the EntryStack's definition. However, it is possible to further transform this globally or per-stack.


<aside> 🚧 Experimental Feature! EntryRendererRegistry was introduced in REI 6.0!


Through EntryRendererRegistry, it is possible to chain providers for retrieving the EntryRenderer for each EntryType.

In a client plugin (Constructing Plugins), override registerEntryRenderers, from here, you may implement a new EntryRendererProvider.

The provider should return a EntryRenderer from the EntryStack and the previous EntryRenderer.

<aside> ⚠️ null is not an accepted return value of the provider. If the provider does not wish to transform the renderer, it may return the previous one.



Through EntryStack settings, renderers may be applied stack-level.

ClientEntryStacks.of(stack, renderer);